Surah Al-Anfaal 8:22
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand not.
This is a rather interesting question as we often tend to think of “ignorance” and “stupidity” as being the same thing. I noticed that some online sources have listed them as two words with similar meaning.

Ignorance refers to a lack of knowledge, understanding, or awareness about a particular subject or in general. It is often the result of not having been exposed to information or not having the opportunity to learn. I think most of us have experienced being called stupid by others for not knowing. Or perhaps we have felt stupid in such situations, even if no one has said it or if we have been alone during such times. However, stupidity is not necessarily related to a lack of information. There may sometimes be a relation between the two words, but I do feel that each word is separate from the other by its own meaning.
Consider that ignorance can be solved by becoming informed. If you learn what you previously did not know… you are no longer ignorant. Stupidity, in popular thinking, is relating to a person’s intelligence, his or her ability to understand something, But do we, for example, call a person suffering from Down’s syndrome or some kind of mental defect, stupid? No, it is a handicap. We also know that people are generally unique in their own ways, there are people who do not connect things mentally as quickly as others. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. This is not “stupidity”, it is something biological. It is how Allah created us and what He has bestowed upon us. His test for us is in what He has given us and what we do with it. That also includes how we look at others.
سورة الفرقان ٢٠
وَجَعَلۡنَا بَعۡضَكُمۡ لِبَعۡضٖ فِتۡنَةً أَتَصۡبِرُونَۗ وَكَانَ رَبُّكَ بَصِيرٗا
Surah Al-Furqaan 25:20
We have made some of you as a trial for others: will ye have patience? for Allah is One Who sees (all things).

A clear form of stupidity is – knowing something that is wrong or something that goes against reason, and still do it. Of course, what is right or wrong can be very subjective. But to give a clear example: children may sometimes put their hands on a hot stove and burn themselves. Up until that point, they did not know what would happen. That is ignorance. After that experience, they know. Someone who experienced it would remember and not do it again. If they did… then that would be stupid.
In times when stupidity relates to ignorance, it’s when a person is lacking knowledge or understanding about something and has the chance to gain insight but ignores that chance. Not making an effort to find out what he or she is missing. They simply have their own ideas about it and is content with their thinking, rather than learning something about it. With that in mind, stupidity is more related to “bad decision making”. A failure to use one’s intelligence effectively. We live once. It gives us a chance to strive and to learn. Stupidity works against that. We can see a clear example in the Quran…
سورة البقرة ٢٦٩
يُؤۡتِي ٱلۡحِكۡمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُۚ وَمَن يُؤۡتَ ٱلۡحِكۡمَةَ فَقَدۡ أُوتِيَ خَيۡرٗا كَثِيرٗاۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَلۡبَٰبِ
Surah Al-Baqara 2:269
He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but men of understanding.

This is something that has been on my mind, perhaps also in light of some of the discussions that has been going on in this society of late. Some people make judgments based on their personal thinking rather than learning what’s actually right and what’s wrong. A similarity between ignorance and stupidity is the fact that a person can indeed learn from it and improve in how they understand. If they make the effort.
In the end, wisdom is gained by an interest to improve as a person and how we understand something.
I hope that you found this an inspiring input and that it has brought something to consider.
The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.