It is a little less than a week left of Ramadan. I hope it has gone well for everyone? I would like to take the opportunity to point out an important thing… just because Ramadan reaches its finish line for…
Author: Marcus (مؤمن)
Sometimes it can be hard to separate cultural practices from religion. Practices become a part of an event without further consideration. In some cases the practices are considered as traditions, not necessarily tied to religion itself, but still thought of…
I stumbled over an article that I thought had some important points to consider. Quoting the article… “Ramadan is much more than just fasting and prayer. Even if it is just fasting and prayers, both of them have far reaching…
Greetings and well wishes to everyone, I hope that Ramadan is going well so far for all of you? The local mosque here where I live is holding Taraweeh (تراويح) prayer every day during Ramadan, right after ‘Isha prayer. I…
Ramadan Mubarak to all of you!May this coming Ramadan offer you many blessings and a lot of positive energy to face each day with a good and positive attitude inshallah. May Allah accept all your good deeds and your prayers.…
I was recently asked… what is the difference between guilt and regret? I thought this was an interesting point to consider, so I figured I’d share my thoughts about it here. The difference between feeling regret/remorse and feeling guilty has…
Many people may have heard the statement, “better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven”. It is originally a statement from the poem “Paradise Lost”, by John Milton, (the words are spoken by Shaitan as an argument for…
This is an interesting question. Perhaps it has popped up in the mind among many of you. We often see animals just as pets and as creatures that are created for our benefit or for the purpose of keeping a…
Some of you may have heard of the movie “The Matrix” and some of you may have seen it. (There is a series of them). Basically, the movies are dealing with two different realities. In the movies, humans live in…
This is a topic that was talked about during the Khtuba held on Friday (the 10th), as well as a topic I considered writing about here as well. I am partly going to use the summary I wrote, and partly…