When changing faith from one to the other, it is also a natural step to deal with the question of how to reach Jannah. That was one of the things I looked at during my journey to embrace the Islamic…
Author: Marcus (مؤمن)
Although the month of Ramadan has just passed, I was reminded of a time when I was striving to find answers. What is the purpose of Ramadan? Why do people fast during this month? Indeed, while this may carry some…
One of the questions I faced in the beginning was how I would convert/revert to the faith… but an immediate and rather understandable follow up question came along. As this country’s muslim population is less than 10% of the entire…
Eid has started and I hope everyone are spending a beautiful time. For myself, I was feeling a bit sick and feared that I would miss the annual Eid celebration organized by the local mosque. But I felt I would…
Many of you may wonder what goes on in the head of someone who wishes to embrace the faith of Islam, what challenges such a person faces, and so on. When I was sure of my belief, one of the…
We are now facing the final Friday of this Ramadan. Just a few days to go inshallah. I wanted to make a quick input to remind everyone to make the best of this day, and spend a beautiful time with…
In my previous input “A journey to faith”, I started to write about my journey to Islam and briefly mentioned about carrying this faith in my heart among non muslims. Quoting the input: “Many people rely on an “inherited” faith.…
I was recently suggested to write more about my journey to Islam, what questions or challenges I faced and so on. I think that is a good idea, the already available story about my journey to Islam simply gives an…
The first week of Ramadan has more or less passed. I hope things have started well for all of you and that you are having a good time. While the month of Ramadan is related to fasting, it is equally…
Ramadan has returned! May this coming Ramadan offer many blessings and provide a lot of positive energy to help us face each day with a good and positive attitude inshallah, and may our Creator accept all our good deeds and…