Although the month of Ramadan has just passed, I was reminded of a time when I was striving to find answers. What is the purpose of Ramadan? Why do people fast during this month? Indeed, while this may carry some very obvious answers to muslims, many of those outside of the faith generally just know of Ramadan as a time connected to fasting.

As I was investigating about it, some points became very clear, (this is just a brief summary)…
Revelation of the Quran: The first ayat of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Therefore, the month holds special significance for studying and reciting the Quran, as well as reflecting on its teachings and guidance.
Spiritual Reflection: It is a time for muslims to reflect on their faith, actions, and relationship with Allah, an opportunity to examine one’s life and strive for spiritual improvement.
Self-Discipline: Ramadan teaches self-discipline, self-control, and empathy for those less fortunate. Through fasting, muslims practice patience, perseverance, and gratitude.
Community and Solidarity: Ramadan brings muslims together as a community. Muslims gather for prayers, share meals before dawn (suhoor) and after sunset (iftar), and engage in acts of charity and goodwill. This sense of unity encourages compassion, empathy, and support for one another.
Seeking Forgiveness and Mercy: Ramadan is a time for seeking forgiveness for past sins and shortcomings. Muslims believe that during this month, Allah’s mercy and forgiveness are abundant, and sincere repentance can lead to spiritual purification and renewal.

The more I discovered, the more I understood the importance of the month. Though it would take years before I had the luxury of being part of a community (and even more years before I found myself among real people) that took this month into consideration.
Ramadan is a deeply meaningful and spiritually enriching time for muslims around the world, a time to draw closer to Allah, strengthen bonds with fellow believers, and strive for personal and moral development. Alhamdulillah endless times. And alhamdulillah for those of you who have supported me in all this time. Blessings and comfort for all of you.

For readers who are on the same journey as I was at that time, and curious about the month of Ramadan, you can find information about the blessed month here. We will look at more questions and what went through my mind next time inshallah… for now, I hope you are having a good and blessed day ahead. I am very grateful for all of you.
The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.