March 8th, also known as Intenational Women’s Day, “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.” (www.internationalwomensday.com).
To my sisters and friends out there, I say from the heart, you stand out as exemplary representations of intelligence, creativity and kindness. You may not hear it often enough but this world is very blessed to have you in it. I am proud to count myself among you as a friend and brother. My deepest respect to you all.
I feel it is appropriate to remember this Hadith, perhaps especially on a day like this…
وعنه رضي الله عنه قال: جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا رسول الله من أحق الناس بحسن صحابتي؟ قال: ” أمك” قال: ثم من؟ قال: ” أمك” قال: ثم من؟ قال: ”أمك” قال: ثم من؟ قال: ” أبوك” ((متفق عليه)).
وفي رواية: يارسول الله من أحق بحسن الصحبة؟ قال: ” أمك، ثم أمك، ثم أمك، ثم أباك، ثم أدناك أدناك”.
“A person came to Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and asked, “Who among people is most deserving of my fine treatment?” He (ﷺ) said, “Your mother”. He again asked, ”Who next?” “Your mother”, the Prophet (ﷺ) replied again. He asked, “Who next?” He (the Prophet (ﷺ)) said again, “Your mother.” He again asked, “Then who?” Thereupon he (ﷺ) said,” Then your father.”
In another narration: “O Messenger of Allah! Who is most deserving of my fine treatment?” He (ﷺ) said, “Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then your nearest, then nearest”.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
I did talk about going with my brother and nephew to see the movie “Raya and the last dragon” in my last update and promised to share my thoughts after I’d seen it. My initial thinking was to write my thoughts directly in this update but I feel this input deserves its own space… so inshallah I will share my thoughts in a separate update when this day has passed. For now, I can say I liked the movie and it certainly deserves to be seen. More details to come inshallah.
Friends and sisters, I hope this day is treating you well. You certainly deserve that much and more.
The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.

All respect
Thank you. All respect indeed.