Health situation – Part 3

It’s been another gap since my last input, I apologize for the delay. I hope Ramadan has been going well for everyone. We have about a week left of it and we are nearing Eid-Al-Fitr.

I promised a health update, so for those who may have missed it, I will advise to check the previous health update, and also the first one posted before it to get an idea about what I am talking about here. I will post the summary I shared in the previous one…

“During these past few months, I started to feel incredibly tired. […] A test at the medical center showed that I had flexible values related to the thyroid gland. (I went through a similar scenario years ago, but the medicine I received then did not help so I stopped. The situation at that point improved somewhat so no further actions were taken.”

I mentioned that the reason I’m sharing all this is to give an idea about the situation and why the updates sometimes have not been as quick, just in case it affects my timing with the website. I value my work on it greatly, so any potential delays in my current situation are not always intended. It’s medical. Therefore, I feel it also important to inform what’s been going on.

So how has the situation developed? Are we close to a solution? Let’s take a look at the current situation…

According to the latest tests which I took a few weeks ago, the values have improved alhamdulillah. At the same time, I am very cautiously optimistic since values have been flexible over a length of time, (which I also discussed in the second health update). So… will the values go back again, as before? Or is it stable as it is now? Will it continue to improve? We don’t really know. Honestly, I don’t feel any real difference either, at least not at this time. I still experience the side effects described earlier. The doctor advised to keep on the current plan of treatment and new tests will be taken, so we will see what the future holds, inshallah. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

For the moment I am ok though, alhamdulillah. This is just to inform about what’s happening. For now at least, things seem to be improving inshallah kheir, and from a personal point of view, you can be sure that I am standing strongly in my determination not only to improve the condition, but also to keep providing the most interesting, thought provoking, and helpful articles inshallah. On that note, I would like to inform that the website has been renewed for another year, alhamdulillah. That is great news indeed.

Ah, there’s one more thing I’ve been meaning to show…

Remember this injury? (I described it in my last health update). Just after it happened, I considered whether stitches would be necessary. I decided to wait… and 4 days later…

There was barely a trace left. Mashallah.
So, a few weeks ago…roughly 7 weeks after the accident… I decided to take another photo…

Gone! There were some very faint traces but only for someone who knew where to look.
Today, as I’m writing this… there is nothing left. Nothing! Really, even me, who experienced it, can’t really see where it happened any more. Compare this to the first image again and see. A superficial wound? I don’t think so. (And those who work in the medical field may know what they say about diabetics and healing properties). Subhanallah. I would call this a very visible surprise, and perhaps a sign, not only for me, but for all of those who now read this, to not give up, even in the most difficult of times. Alhamdulillah indeed.

Surah Ash-Shura 42:53
The Way of Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Behold (how) all affairs tend towards Allah!

In my last input I also wrote the following words: “we will continue to explore the questions, “how can we start to notice what makes each person unique? How can that help us on our path to Jannah?””. Since we are nearing Eid-Al-Fitr, I will devote an update to it first. Also, on an off note, I was asked some time ago about the constallation Scorpio and at that time, I was unsure about it. But I would like to mention to this person that yes… it is visible to you. So I’d like to dedicate a brief article to this as well and where to find it, inshallah. Be sure to check back for these things by the end of next week inshallah, and no, inshallah these things will not be delayed. Especially considering the timing of both Eid and the visibility of the constallation.

For now, I would like to wish everyone a beautiful day full of comfort and blessings. Djumma mubarak everyone, from the heart.

The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.


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