Here comes somewhat belated happy new year wishes to all of you. In fact, a rather belated update in general, considering what I wrote in my last update, (which I published by the end of November)… “Make sure to not miss our next input coming out next weekend. I am considering between two interesting topics, but have yet to decide which one…”
Some of you who regularly visit this site may be aware of the health situation that I described in an earlier input. Indeed, that situation has continued to affect me until now. I would like to write a little about it and what has been going on with me during the last few weeks. I will share that in a separate input.
But I didn’t want to start the new year without recording a new year greeting to share with all of you…
I wrote a little about what the coming year may hold for this site in the input, “the future of this website“. As long as my condition allows me the strength to go through with those intentions… (keep me in your prayers), then I am not stopping any time soon, and you will have a lot to look forward to inshallah.
But as mentioned, I would like to give you an idea about what my situation is like at this point. I feel it is important, as some people have expressed concern after reading the first health input. Be sure to check back for this update on Sunday inshallah. And don’t worry, inshallah you won’t have to wait, I’ve pretty much outlined the article, so it’s just a matter of arranging the input and publish it.

I have a plan on what to write for my next spiritual input as well, and will reveal the topic in the coming update. I hope that the spiritual inputs I share continue to be interesting, inspiring, and beneficial to all of you. You are of course always welcome to share your thoughts or suggestions if you have any ideas of your own, Be sure, I always consider it. Jumma Mubarak and a happy new year, from the heart. I do hope that the year has started well for you so far.
The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.