
For the longest time, people have kept telling me “you should be a writer”. My words tend to have a positive effect in different ways, some even say I have somehow affected their mentality and brought them closer to Allah. I usually point at myself, baffled… me? I’ve lived a rather isolated life regarding my faith, (read my story on that), I’m always humbled by such a statement when it comes from a born muslim. So with continued encouragment from friends, I decided to create this blog for the purpose of sharing my thinking with others. This also marks my first step in finally coming out of my shell towards embracing it fully… yes, I can imagine a few of my friends now applauding “at last”. Alhamdulillah.

The website contains a lot of different elements of my personality, music recordings, poetry, photography, and of course my thinking and my philosophy on spiritual matters. A believer, who has received most of his ideas directly from reading the Quran. Enjoy exploring the site, most pages should be open for comments too.

My intention is to post at least once a week, however, due to a personal tragedy, (read more on my support page), my updates may be a little sporadic in the next 2-3 weeks… Because of this, the site was released a little ahead of schedule as I was planning on adding more elements and pages… but inshallah… that leaves the hope of more…

Keep me in your prayers…

I will end this post by sharing a beautiful video created and sent to me by a friend, using footage of me reading words from the Quran, and some inspiring images to work as an antidote for my personal grief. It was a beautiful gesture, and I think the video has something important to say so I decided to share it here. The music used by my friend is Maher Zain’s “Always be there” from the album “Thank You Allah” (2009).

** Important to note that the video was created with a mobile phone, and I will assume the running time of the video reached its limit, so it cuts at the end. An unfortunate side effect, nothing wrong with your device or the video itself.

Enjoy the site, feel free to comment, and come back often.

2 thoughts

  1. Finally AlhamduliAllah , I am sure inshaAllah this blog will be always support for a lot of people including me?


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