Salam everyone, it has been a busy time and I am aware things have been silent here… but I hope it’s been worth the wait because I have some exciting news to share! I have mentioned the possibility of a Youtube channel before. I can now mention that it is currently in development and I am sharing a preview of the banner with you here, (the image at the top). The channel is intended to become an extension of the website, and my idea is to share and talk about topics that I also talk about here. And of course, I am always open to suggestions.
سورة الذاريات ٥٥
وَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَىٰ تَنفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Surah Adh-Dhaariyat 51:55
But teach (thy Message) for teaching benefits the Believers.
My initial thinking was to call the channel “faithfulvibes” just like the website, but someone had already beaten me to it… grrr… so I decided to go with a more descriptive, “faithfulvibestube”, a title that still connects it to the website but at the same time separates itself as a Youtube channel. The videos will primarily be in english, but I intend to have arabic subtitles for the videos as well, inshallah.

It’s a big and exciting step, but a little nervous at the same time… talking about these types of things on a popular platform like Youtube is a big responsibility after all. In any case, this is still very very early in development, I can not with certainty say more than that it’s in the works, I will still need to finish a few things before I get started, and a lot of things can happen… pray for me and for success in my efforts… This may at least give an idea that it’s in the process of becoming a reality…

Let’s hope for a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel. So, what are your thoughts on this project? Any comments on the banner? Suggestions for ideas to discuss on the channel? I welcome your thoughts. You can post a comment here, or if you know me personally – talk to me directly, or send an email to my official contact address for the channel which is now live! faithfulvibestube@gmail.com
If you want to support these efforts, you are more than welcome to head over to my support page and press that support button. It would be most welcomed. May Allah reward you for it.
I hope this update is finding you well and that you are happy and as excited as me.
The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.
Finally!! Alhamdulillah for you, dear friend!!
Thank you kindly, let’s hope things will go well inshallah 😃👍
I wish you success and perseverance in what you are, my dear friend, all respect and success to you. I am proud of you
Thank you for your kind words, I am very grateful 😊🌹
U have my prayers and duaa brother ‘ let’s talk about the candles 🕯️🕯️😄😄
Haha, thank you kindly, I appreciate your support 😁