Eid has started and I hope everyone are spending a beautiful time. For myself, I was feeling a bit sick and feared that I would miss the annual Eid celebration organized by the local mosque. But I felt I would be ok to go and was determined to do so, especially since I had received a translation of the Eid Khutba from Imam Khalid, to perform for the gathered people. I always consider that a great honor. But, I had understandable concerns. Will I be able to do it and not having to suffer from a runny nose or from coughing? Allahu musta’an…
The Khutba went well alhamdulillah, and focussed on the importance of remembering family, and I congratuled everyone for reaching this Eid. The Khutba also reminded of the benefit of fasting 6 days of the month of Shawwal. I finished with an encouragment, to let the sharing of good words and deeds continue even after Ramadan. It is important to remember that life continues after the month has passed, and a good thing to continue to strive to be the best person that you can be, inshallah.

It was a fun time, children running and playing. Some men were dancing a dance called dabka (دبكة), and a brother pulled me with him… I was like, no no I don’t know howww… “you’ll never know until you try” he said to me, and suddenly I was with the dancing men, some children joined too… as people were watching I felt most of the eyes were on me… haha… I usually don’t prefer to draw attention. I mostly just looked at the other dancers how they did it, while modestly trying to do the same… the children’s eagerness to join beside me certainly helped. It was fun.
Afterwards, the brother told me that this dance is very common in the Levant, (countries like Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon), but perhaps with some differences depending on where you are. Mashallah. I told him I won’t mind to learn it fully… so, inshallah, I will try. But don’t expect a public dance performance any time soon haha. Maybe in a more private situation. Wish me luck.

I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a beautiful Eid with friends and family. I am still not 100% ok but I thank Allah that I was able to do the Khutba and spend a good time. Pray for a quick recovery. Inshallah kheir. I will continue to share questions I faced on my journey to Islam in my next update inshallah, so don’t miss that. After Eid has passed, maybe Sunday, depending on how I feel, inshallah. For now, I want to wish a good and blessed time for all of you, from the heart. Eid Mubarak everyone!
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.