Happy Eid Al Adha 2021 everyone!
It has been some time since I posted the last update and I haven’t kept my weekly schedule as I usually do. I have been working on something that I will make public here so inshallah you will understand shortly…
I am excited to unveil it, but for now, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a truly beautiful Eid. All my best wishes from the deepest point in my heart.
Eid Al Adha is a time of charity so do feel free to show your support through a humble donation, or by pointing your friends here. Any donation, large or small, will go to sustaining, developing and deliver new material inshallah, so if you find this site beneficial, then here is your chance to help…
May Allah reward you for your support in this time of generosity.
Here is an Eid message for all of you…
I wish a beautiful Eid and the best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.