Happy Eid Al Adha everyone!
Eid is already in full motion and half of it has passed for most of you, (myself included). I hope you are spending a beautiful time with friends and family and having a good time.
As some of you may recall, I shared a video of myself doing Khutba during Eid-al-Adha last year, (recorded by brother Sameer). Unfortunately the sound in that recording was mostly sound of children running and playing, so I put Takbirat in place of the sound from the recording and shared the video just to give an idea.
This time, brother Sameer actually did it again… (and yes, once again, he recorded this on his own, I was not aware of it.) This time we have sound in the video! Well, it is in Swedish, as it was for those who were not familiar with the Arabic language. The Khutba dealt with the trial of Ibrahim when he was asked to sacrifice his son, which is a story that is tied to Eid-al-Adha. I will share an English translation of it in my next update inshallah. Until then, here is the video… (a part of the Khutba), hope you will enjoy it.
I would like to thank everyone for continued support and encouragment. May Allah reward your kindness.
I hope you are spending a beautiful Eid and the best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.

Continue 👍🏻
Happy Eid for you too brother 🙂
Thank you so much 🌷
I intend to. I am always amazed when I think about the honor He has bestowed upon me, inshallah there is much more in store 🥰
All beautiful care and blessings on you in return, I hope Eid is going well for you 😊🌷
Very nice Marcus
Thank you kindly, I am glad you liked it 😊
May God bless you and reward you with all the best. I wish you steadfastness in what you are
Thank you for the words, I appreciate the encouragment 😊
Great Marcus
Thank you, I am glad you liked it 😊