One of the questions I faced in the beginning was how I would convert/revert to the faith… but an immediate and rather understandable follow up question came along. As this country’s muslim population is less than 10% of the entire country’s population, and the nearest mosque (as I believed at that time), was a 10 hour car drive away… who do I talk to? Can I say the Shahadah by myself? I mentioned in my input “A journey to faith“… I grew up among non muslims, one of my relatives also being very opinionated against the Islamic faith, so this was a journey I never opened up about to them. I didn’t know anyone near to me who was of the same faith. In that sense, I felt alone. But I had faith in what I believed and was determined to stick with it.

So, in my mind, the nearest mosque was a 10 hour car drive away. When I thought of a mosque, I pictured one with a design just as the image shown here. There are not too many mosques of such design in Sweden, (and governmental approval is needed to build), but there has been a resurgence in recent times, in part due to some anti religious propaganda, which has caused the founding of an Islamic charity organisation. It has specifically gathered finances to support the building of mosques throughout the country, (but also for other needs). One such mosque is planned in a neighbouring city. Alhamdulillah. So, for a long time I thought no mosques were near to me. I later found out that most mosques were actually rented apartments or buildings of that kind. It may seem like a strange religious meeting place for some. Muslims here have faced an uphill struggle, but it’s good to see that there is progress made, alhamdulillah.

I lived with the faith inside myself for a long time, I kept reading the Quran and researched questions that came up along the way. I did state the Shahadah in online voice conversations to other muslims, but I didn’t really feel I had taken the step 100% until I had stated the Shahadah in front of an imam. It would take many years before that came to pass… but when it finally did… I felt free. Alhamdulillah endless times. I owe a specific person for encouraging me in this. Bless you.
If there are any non muslim readers facing the same question or obstacles… the way I understood it from certain sources (I will try to confirm this), is that it’s not an obligatory thing to say it in a mosque, Allah knows your heart better than anyone… but, it is strongly recommended as it will also enable you to become a part of the muslim community, receive encouragment, and take part in activities.
Speaking of which… I was photographed during the annual Eid celebration…
(Thanks to sister Mielan of the local congregation for allowing me to publish it)

Here I am, acting imam, doing the Eid Khutba in front of the gathered muslims. Who would have ever imagined I would be doing this, in a time when I did not even know how to properly accept the faith? Mashallah. Alhamdulillah endless times. Stay strong brothers and sisters, and He will reward you.

Here is the shirt I was wearing during the Eid gathering, which I can say received approval as well. All in all, it was a good Eid, even if I did not feel 100% ok. I was able to do the Khutba and spend time there, and for that I am very grateful. I mostly rested during the rest of the Eid and I feel better now alhamdulillah. I hope it was a beautiful Eid for all of you, from the heart. All blessings and comfort. We will continue to look at questions and what went through my mind in the process of accepting the faith, next time inshallah… make sure not to miss it.
The best of times to you all inshallah.
Peace, happiness, and stay faithful.
Every time your journey to become Muslim come to my mind it reminds me of the time the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
Started the secret da’awa and the companions رضي الله عنهم
had to hide their faith how difficult it was and after years when they migrated and joined a muslim community how powerful the became and everything changed may Allah bless you and your journey the same as Allah blessed them
MashAllah, I am honored to know that you are reminded of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
Though he faced challenges far greater, being in a global community of non muslims at the time. I am very grateful for your words, and I hope He will bless you the same for your kindness 😊🌷