At the moment of writing this, it’s March 8th, also known as Intenational Women’s Day. As is described on the Intenational Women’s Day website, it is “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The…
I wrote about a video game featuring a muslim woman as a responsible leader in my last input, “muslim women on Mars (المريخ)”. If you haven’t read that input yet, I recommend you check it out. It inspired me to…
I am sure this got your attention, perhaps especially if you are a muslim sister. The idea for this topic started with something that recently came to my attention. A video game. Ha, yes, you read that right. And for…
“Things are not always what they seem.” You’ve probably come across those words before. A quote that usually cautions against making judgments or assumptions based solely on how something appears to be. The words encourage critical thinking and a willingness…
Have you ever considered how everything is connected? How whatever happens in one part of the world affects other parts of the world? We are affected by the news. By the weather. Things that happen. I want you to consider…
The thought of writing an input on this was recently awakened when I found out about the potato planet. Oh yes, you read that 100% correctly. The potato planet. Apparently we have a (dwarf) planet in our solar system that…
Something happened that I wanted to share with you. I was generally browsing Youtube one day and came across a comment on a video, (just a general video, nothing spiritual as such). It was from an admirer of that video……
Surah Al-Anfaal 8:22For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb,- those who understand not. This is a rather interesting question as we often tend to think of “ignorance” and “stupidity” as being…
I tend to visit Youtube from time to time and sometimes notice video clips with titles that make claims like… “Say or do this so and so many times every day and whatever you ask for, Allah will give you”,…
I initially intended to write about something entirely different, but something happened to me recently which inspired me to write this input. I was going to the grocery store to do some shopping… there was a man there who stopped…